Culinary Delights: 25 Dishes to Try in Maldives

Dishes to Try in Maldives


Welcome to the Maldives, a tropical paradise renowned for its pristine white-sand beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and vibrant marine life. However, beyond its stunning natural beauty, the Maldives also offers a rich and diverse culinary experience.

Prepare to tantalize your taste buds as we embark on a gastronomic journey through 25 must-try dishes in the Maldives, each with its unique flavors, cultural significance, and nutritional values.

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25 Dishes to Try in Maldives

1. Garudhiya (Fish Soup)



This traditional Maldivian dish features a flavorful broth made from fresh fish, lime, onions, and curry leaves. High in protein and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, Garudhiya is not only delicious but also nourishing.

2. Mas Huni (Tuna and Coconut Salad)



A popular breakfast dish, Mas Huni combines flaked tuna, grated coconut, onion, and chili. Packed with protein, healthy fats, and dietary fiber, it provides a fulfilling start to the day.

3. Rihaakuru (Fish Paste)



A thick, savory fish paste, Rihaakuru is a staple in Maldivian cuisine. It's made by boiling fish until it reduces to a concentrated paste. Nutrient-dense and a good source of vitamins and minerals, Rihaakuru is used as a flavor enhancer in many dishes.

4. Kavaabu

Kavaabu is one of the popular Maldivian snack items that people usually like to have with a cup of tea. The softer inside and crispy outer coating is what make this more delectable.

The authentic recipe uses the smoked tuna fish, freshly grated coconut, curry leaves with a mix of Asian spices and serves hot or cold on the table.

5. Bis Keemiya (Samosas)



These crispy, triangular pastries are filled with a mixture of vegetables, spices, and sometimes meat. Bis Keemiya is a popular snack that provides a good balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fats.

6. Kulhi Boakibaa (Fish Cake)



Made from minced fish, grated coconut, rice, and spices, Kulhi Boakibaa is a flavorful fish cake typically served at special occasions. It's a good source of lean protein and essential nutrients.

7. Hedhikaa (Short Eats)



Hedhikaa refers to a variety of savory snacks in the Maldives. From deep-fried fish balls to crispy vegetable fritters, these tasty bites are perfect for satisfying midday cravings.

8. Maldivian Curry



Maldivian curries feature a fragrant blend of spices, coconut milk, and fresh seafood or vegetables. The combination of flavors, along with the richness of coconut milk, makes this dish truly exceptional.

9. Rihaakuru Roshi (Roti with Fish Paste)

Roshi is a traditional flatbread, often served with Rihaakuru (fish paste). It's a simple yet satisfying dish that provides a good amount of carbohydrates and protein.

10. Huni Roshi (Roti with Tuna and Coconut)

Huni Roshi is another variation of the Maldivian flatbread, this time topped with a delicious mixture of tuna, coconut, and spices. It's a filling and nutritious meal option.

11. Rihaakuru Riha (Fish Curry)

Rihaakuru Riha is a flavorful fish curry made with the concentrated fish paste (Rihaakuru), coconut milk, and aromatic spices. This dish is full of rich flavors and essential nutrients.

12. Fihunu Mas (Grilled Fish)

Fihunu Mas is a succulent grilled fish dish marinated in a blend of spices, chili, and lemon. It's a healthy choice, as grilling helps retain the natural flavors while reducing the need for added fats.

13. Garudhiya Riha (Fish Curry)

Similar to Rihaakuru Riha, Garudhiya Riha is a lighter fish curry that features delicate fish pieces simmered in a fragrant broth. It's light, yet comforting, and packed with proteins and healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

14. Theluli Mas (Fried Fish)

Theluli Mas consists of fried fish pieces marinated in a mixture of spices, garlic, and lemon. This dish offers a delightful crunch and a burst of flavors.

15. Boshi Mashuni (Banana Flower Salad)

Boshi Mashuni is a unique salad made from shredded banana flowers, grated coconut, onion, and lime juice. It's not only refreshing but also rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

16. Fihunu Riha (Grilled Fish Curry)

Fihunu Riha combines the smoky flavors of grilled fish with a spiced coconut curry sauce. This dish offers a perfect balance of textures and is a great source of lean protein.

17. Kandu Kukulhu (Seafood Soup)

Kandu Kukulhu is a delightful seafood soup made with a combination of fresh fish, prawns, and aromatic spices. It's a flavorful bowl of goodness, providing a healthy dose of protein and minerals.

18. Saagu Bondibai (Sago Pudding)



Saagu Bondibai is a popular Maldivian dessert made with sago pearls, coconut milk, and palm sugar. It's a sweet treat that satisfies your cravings and provides a good source of carbohydrates.

19. Huni Huraa (Coconut Pancakes)

Huni Huraa are delicious coconut pancakes made from grated coconut, flour, and sweeteners. They are not only a delightful breakfast option but also a great source of energy.

20. Bondibai (Banana Pudding)

Bondibai is a creamy banana pudding made from ripe bananas, coconut milk, and jaggery. It's a delectable dessert that offers a dose of potassium, fiber, and antioxidants.

21. Gulha (Stuffed Pastry)

Gulha are bite-sized, deep-fried pastries filled with a flavorful mixture of fish, onion, chili, and spices. They are a popular snack, providing a good balance of carbohydrates and proteins.

22. Masroshi (Stuffed Flatbread)

Masroshi is a savory flatbread stuffed with a mixture of tuna, onion, chili, and spices. It's a convenient, on-the-go snack that combines carbohydrates, proteins, and essential nutrients.

23. Dhonkeyo Kajuru (Sweetened Bread)

Dhonkeyo Kajuru is a sweet bread loaf made with flour, eggs, coconut, and cardamom. It's a delightful treat that satisfies your sweet tooth while offering energy from carbohydrates.

24. Theluli Mas Riha (Fried Fish Curry)

Theluli Mas Riha is a mouthwatering fish curry featuring crispy fried fish pieces in a flavorful coconut curry sauce. It's a hearty dish that provides essential proteins and healthy fats.

25. Bambukeylu Hiyaa (Young Bamboo Shoot Curry)

Bambukeylu Hiyaa is a unique curry made with tender bamboo shoots, coconut milk, and spices. This dish is not only delicious but also a good source of dietary fiber and minerals.


As you explore the Maldives, don't miss the opportunity to savor these 25 culinary delights. From the flavorsome Garudhiya to the delightful Saagu Bondibai, each dish offers a glimpse into the rich culinary heritage of this tropical paradise. Moreover, these dishes are not only delicious but also provide nutritional value, whether it's protein-rich fish, fiber-packed coconut, or energy-boosting carbohydrates. So, embark on this gastronomic adventure and let your taste buds be amazed by the diverse and enticing flavors of the Maldives. Bon appétit!