Exploring the Culinary Delights: Top 25 African Restaurants in Paris

African Restaurants in Paris


Paris, known as the culinary capital of the world, is a melting pot of diverse cultures and cuisines. While the city boasts a wide array of culinary delights, African cuisine has taken its place among the top choices for food enthusiasts.

Join me on a gastronomic adventure as we explore the top 25 African restaurants in Paris, each offering a unique and flavorful experience.

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Top 25 African Restaurants in Paris

1. Le Petit Dakar

  • Address: 7 Rue des Poissonniers, 75018 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 42 62 79 09
  • Menu: Le Petit Dakar offers authentic Senegalese cuisine, including their famous Thieboudienne (fish and rice dish), Yassa (marinated meat or fish), and Mafé (peanut-based stew).

2. Le Djembé

  • Address: 8 Rue de l'École Polytechnique, 75005 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 43 54 23 98
  • Menu: Le Djembé specializes in West African cuisine. Don't miss their delectable Jollof rice, Suya (grilled skewered meat), and Akara (bean fritters).

3. La Rizière

  • Address: 76 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 45 26 08 01
  • Menu: La Rizière offers a fusion of flavors from Madagascar, with signature dishes like Ravitoto (pork and cassava leaves) and Romazava (beef stew).

4. Chez Léon

  • Address: 37 Rue des Rosiers, 75004 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 42 72 08 63
  • Menu: Chez Léon is a Moroccan restaurant known for its vibrant tagines, couscous dishes, and flavorful mint tea.

5. Le Poulet d'Or

  • Address: 9 Rue de l'École Polytechnique, 75005 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 43 29 35 07
  • Menu: Le Poulet d'Or specializes in Ivorian cuisine, with their signature grilled chicken, attiéké (cassava couscous), and aloco (fried plantains).

6. La Main d'Or

  • Address: 4 Rue Rodier, 75009 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 48 78 11 08
  • Menu: La Main d'Or serves delicious Ethiopian cuisine, including injera (spongy bread) served with various stews and vegetarian options.

7. Mamma Africa

  • Address: 18 Rue de la Forge Royale, 75011 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 43 67 38 29
  • Menu: Mamma Africa offers a diverse menu with dishes from across the continent, such as Nigerian jollof rice, South African bobotie, and Ghanaian banku.

8. L'Abyssin

  • Address: 35 Rue de la Cerisaie, 75004 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 42 74 47 16
  • Menu: L'Abyssin specializes in Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisine, serving injera with a variety of vegetarian and meat-based dishes.

9. Le Berbere

  • Address: 62 Rue de Bagnolet, 75020 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 43 71 86 28
  • Menu: Le Berbere is a popular Algerian restaurant, known for its couscous dishes, merguez sausages, and traditional Algerian pastries.

10. Le Petit Nigeria

  • Address: 10 Rue du Marché Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 42 96 84 41
  • Menu: Le Petit Nigeria offers Nigerian specialties, including suya, egusi soup, and pounded yam with various stews.

11. Le Petit Cameroun

  • Address: 14 Rue de Lévis, 75017 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 42 67 84 10
  • Menu: Le Petit Cameroun serves Cameroonian cuisine, featuring dishes like Ndolé (bitter leaf stew), achu soup, and grilled fish.

12. Le Tamarin

  • Address: 41 Rue de Montreuil, 75011 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 48 06 10 64
  • Menu: Le Tamarin offers a mix of West African and Caribbean flavors, with dishes like poulet Yassa, plantain gratin, and accra (salted cod fritters).

13. Massai

  • Address: 23 Rue de la Colonie, 75013 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 45 84 43 20
  • Menu: Massai is a Kenyan restaurant known for its nyama choma (grilled meat), samosas, and Ugali (maize porridge).

14. Le Nilaja

  • Address: 42 Rue René Boulanger, 75010 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 42 01 37 16
  • Menu: Le Nilaja serves Sudanese cuisine, featuring dishes like ful medames (fava bean stew), Kofta (spiced meatballs), and Bamia (okra stew).

15. Le Petit Africain

  • Address: 11 Rue de Lappe, 75011 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 48 05 31 83
  • Menu: Le Petit Africain offers a range of West African dishes, including Mafé, aloco, and tieboudienne.

16. Le Marabout

  • Address: 69 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 42 40 91 30
  • Menu: Le Marabout specializes in Moroccan cuisine, serving tagines, couscous, and traditional mint tea.

17. Les Délices du Sénégal

  • Address: 15 Rue Eugène Jumin, 75019 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 42 06 67 54
  • Menu: Les Délices du Sénégal offers a taste of Senegalese cuisine with dishes like thiou (fish stew), Yassa, and fataya (stuffed pastries).

18. La Coupole Africaine

  • Address: 85 Rue de la Roquette, 75011 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 48 06 06 05
  • Menu: La Coupole Africaine serves a variety of African dishes, including Cape Verdean cachupa, Moroccan tagines, and Ethiopian injera.

19. Le Marché Africain

  • Address: 42 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 42 05 61 40
  • Menu: Le Marché Africain offers a mix of West African and Central African flavors, with dishes like poulet braisé (grilled chicken), fufu, and alloco.

20. Le Safari

  • Address: 114 Rue Saint-Maur, 75011 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 48 06 91 06
  • Menu: Le Safari specializes in Congolese cuisine, serving dishes like moambe (palm nut stew), saka saka (cassava leaves), and pondu (wild spinach).

21. Le Paradis de l'Afrique

  • Address: 13 Rue de Belleville, 75019 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 42 02 53 98
  • Menu: Le Paradis de l'Afrique offers a variety of African dishes, including Ethiopian injera, Nigerian jollof rice, and Cameroonian ndolé.

22. Le Masai

  • Address: 17 Rue de la Roquette, 75011 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 43 14 39 73
  • Menu: Le Masai specializes in Tanzanian and East African cuisine, serving dishes like pilau rice, samosas, and chapati.

23. La Casamance

  • Address: 46 Rue de la Folie Méricourt, 75011 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 47 00 64 59
  • Menu: La Casamance offers Senegalese cuisine, featuring dishes like ceebu jën (rice and fish), yassa, and thiébou yapp (rice with meat).

24. Le Niger

  • Address: 2 Rue de Mont-Louis, 75011 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 47 00 38 62
  • Menu: Le Niger serves authentic Nigerian cuisine, with dishes like egusi soup, suya, and dodo (fried plantains).

25. La Maison de l'Afrique

  • Address: 19 Boulevard Barbès, 75018 Paris
  • Contact: +33 1 42 51 89 18
  • Menu: La Maison de l'Afrique offers a wide range of African dishes, including Moroccan couscous, Ivorian attiéké, and Tunisian brik.


Embark on a culinary journey through the vibrant flavors of Africa at these top 25 restaurants in Paris. Each establishment offers a unique experience, with dishes that showcase the rich diversity of African cuisine.

From Senegalese thieboudienne to Ethiopian injera, and Moroccan tagines to Nigerian jollof rice, these restaurants are a testament to the cultural richness and gastronomic delights that Africa has to offer in the heart of Paris.

Bon appétit!