Pondu (Saka Saka)

  • Pondu (Saka Saka)
  • Pondu (Saka Saka)

Pondu, also known as Saka Saka, is a traditional Central African dish that is particularly popular in countries such as Congo, Gabon, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is a delicious and nutritious stew made primarily from cassava leaves, which are finely chopped and cooked with a variety of vegetables and meats.

The cassava leaves lend a unique flavor to the dish, with a slightly tangy and earthy taste. The leaves are typically simmered for a long time with ingredients such as onions, garlic, tomatoes, palm oil, and a selection of meats like beef, goat, or fish, resulting in a rich and hearty stew.

Pondu is often served with a side of fufu, plantains, or rice, and its combination of flavors and textures creates a satisfying and filling meal that is loved by many in Central Africa.

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