
  • Firfir
  • Firfir

Firfir, also known as fit-fit, is a flavorful Ethiopian dish that is often enjoyed for breakfast or brunch. It is made from torn or shredded injera, a traditional Ethiopian flatbread, that is sautéed with a variety of spices, seasonings, and ingredients.

The torn injera is typically cooked with berbere, a fiery and aromatic spice blend, along with onions, garlic, and sometimes tomatoes. Additional ingredients such as vegetables, lentils, or meat may be added to enhance the dish.

The result is a warm and comforting dish with a medley of flavors, combining the tangy and slightly sour taste of injera with the bold and complex flavors of Ethiopian spices.

Firfir is often served with a dollop of yogurt or a side of cottage cheese, providing a creamy and cooling contrast to the spiciness of the dish. It is a popular and satisfying breakfast option that embodies the rich culinary traditions of Ethiopia.

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Alternative Name
fit fit

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