
  • Ekwang

Ekwang is a traditional Cameroonian dish that originates from the North-West region of the country and is particularly popular among the Ekang people. It is a flavorful and aromatic dish made from grated cocoyam leaves, palm nut cream, and a variety of proteins such as beef, fish, or smoked meat.

The preparation of Ekwang involves wrapping the grated cocoyam leaves and the protein of choice in cocoyam or banana leaves, which are then tied securely with string or stems. These parcels are then cooked in a rich palm nut cream sauce, infused with a blend of spices and herbs, resulting in a harmonious blend of flavors.

Ekwang is known for its hearty and comforting nature, and it is often enjoyed as a main course, accompanied by plantains, yams, or fufu. With its unique combination of ingredients and the care taken in its preparation, Ekwang exemplifies the rich and diverse culinary heritage of Cameroon.

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